Whats The Fuss About Bone Broth Blog Feature

Chicken soup isn’t just good for the soul. Bone broth has a number of healing properties for your body as well. This wonderful elixir has been touted as an incredible healer and nutritive food that is easy to digest and fairly easy to make at home.

This simmering causes the bones and ligaments to release healing compounds like collagen, glycine, and glutamine which are key to a healthy body.

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Bone broth could be called “nature’s multivitamin” by providing the body with the following:

  • Over 19 essential and non-essential amino acids (the building blocks of proteins)
  • Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and sulfur in an easily absorbable form
  • Collagen and gelatin, which help form connective tissue (including the Gut Lining)
  • Nutrients that support digestive functions, immunity and brain health
Mockup 2

Some of the benefits of Bone Broth include:

  • Provides the body with L-Glutamine, a powerful Amino Acid (aka protein) that helps to heal and seal the gut lining
  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • Fights inflammation
  • And it promotes healthy hair and nail growth!
A cup of bone broth


The most important thing to consider when making bone broth at home is to use the best quality bones you can find. You want to use bones from an animal that has been treated fairly and fed an organic diet, otherwise any toxins that the animal took in could leach into your broth.

Contact me for some reliable local resources in Vancouver and the Sunshine Coast if you’re interested!

I like to drink my homemade bone broth with some sea salt, black pepper, turmeric and an egg yolk for breakfast. A bit unorthodox but a really nice, grounding way to start your day and very easy on your digestive system as well.


How to Make Homemade Beef Bone Broth


  • 5 lbs Grass-feed Beef Soup Bones (including knuckles and marrow bones)
  • 3 Onions, skinned and quartered
  • 6 Celery stocks roughly chopped
  • 6 medium Carrots roughly chopped
  • Fresh, filtered water
  • 2 Tbsp Cider Vinegar (to help leach minerals from the bones)
  • 2-3 Bay Leafs


  1. Place the bones in a roasting pan.
  2. Roast the bones at 400 °F for about an hour until the bones are well-browned.
  3. Drain off any fat and add the bones to a big pot along with the vegetables.
  4. Add filtered water to cover and bring to a boil. Once you’ve brought the water to a boil, add the vinegar and bay leafs.
  5. Turn down the heat and continue to simmer for several hours. I usually simmer mine about 48 hours. Or pop it all into a slow cooker.
  6. Throughout the cooking process, skim off any foam and add water as needed.
  7. When the stock is finished simmering, filter through a fine mesh sieve and bottle in mason jars. The stock should set just like gelatin, and the fat should rise to the top.
  8. Pick off the fat and reserve it for cooking, then scoop out the gelled stock and reheat to serve as soup.
  9. The broth will keep in the fridge for about a week and up to a month in the freezer.


Toby Rae is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, yogi, nature lover and self-proclaimed fermentation nerd. She is passionate about healing from the inside out with whole, nutritious foods and providing her clients the skills and tools to lead a whole-foods lifestyle.

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