How to find your nutrition business niche

In this guide, you will learn why you need to find a niche for your nutrition business and the exact 5 step process you have to follow.

Finding your niche is one of the most important things that you can do for your nutrition business. By doing this, you can promote your business as an expert in that specific field and not just as the “I am new to this business” nutritionist. Because you are an expert, it allows you to charge higher rates, get specific referrals, and pick exactly what kind of clients you want to work with.

Focus on looking at what your passions are, your skill sets, and what type of client you would love to work with. Think back to school and your training; maybe there was a specific book that really spoke to you or a subject that you excelled at because you found it fascinating. Finding your passion in something is that will push you forward, to not only be good at it, but to be the best at it.

Why Shouldn’t I Sell to Everyone?

It seems backwards to rule out hundreds of people that could be potential clients. Why would you want to limit your market to such a small client base if you could just market to everyone and get more business?

Understanding Niches

Choosing your niche will be the foundation of your nutrition marketing strategy. It will help you narrow down exactly who you are targeting and how to get their attention.

Here is an example of why we should choose a niche: In Canada, when you are sick you go and see a Family Doctor or a General Practitioner. That GP has spent a long time in medical school learning everything that there is to know about the human body. This allows him to diagnose any problem that may walk through his office door. The median wage in Canada for a General Practitioner is around $144,000 per year, which is a great wage. However, when we compare this to a specialist who has gone on to master in a specific field, like a Neurosurgeon, the median salary is $316,000. You can now see why a niche is far more beneficial.

Ways to Choose a Niche

I am going to be honest with you here, no small business can do everything for everyone. It is not possible. The narrower you can be when defining your target market, the better off you will be in the long run. So how does one choose their specific target market? Think about the following questions and write them out:

  1. What is your story?
  2. What special skills do you have that set you apart from the competition?
  3. Who do you want to work with?
  4. What do your prospective clients need?
  5. What do you want to sell?


Step 1: Do You Have a Story to Tell?

If  you can tell a good story, you can connect easily with people in your specific niche. The most fundamental reason to make your niche the same as your story, is that you are going to connect with people who were where you were a few years ago. If you are a Nutrition Coach, who has overcome IBS or another specific condition, anyone who is dealing with that condition at the present moment will be empowered through your story. Best of all, they will see a real end result of what your protocol could possibly do for them.

I will use myself as an example. I have three children and when I had my third child, I dealt with postpartum depression. I was about 6 months into my Registered Nutrition Program at CSNN and knew that what I was feeling could be handled through proper nutrient intake and eliminating food sensitivities. I went to see a Naturopathic Doctor and together we worked on improving both of those areas. Within a few months, I was feeling like myself again. Now, I am always looking to help others with depression, mainly women going through post-partum issues. Having dealt with it myself, I put myself in the client’s shoes and help them to the best of my abilities.


Step 2: What Can You Bring to The Table? 

Think of what interests and experiences set you apart from other practitioners. Having a specific skill that not many people have, can easily define your niche for you. Have you spent a lot of time cooking and have a massive vegetable garden in your backyard? Perhaps, you can combine these two areas of interest and create a ͞Harvest to Table͟ coaching package where you teach someone how to grow their food, how to harvest it and then how to cook or preserve it. Think outside the box and try to be as ͞original͟ as possible.


Step 3: Who Do You Want to Work With?

This is a very good way to find your niche. You should be happy to work with your clients. They should motivate you to pursue continuing education in your chosen field of interest. Finding your niche is really as simple as saying ͞Who do I want to work with? For example, an RHN I know created a profitable Nutrition Consulting business based on her love of running. She was in school, training to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist while also training for long distance runs.

Soon people were asking her what they could do to help their performance and recovery.

Now, she has created a successful business where all her clients are women, around her age, who are wanting to eat and train for long distance runs. Because she selected something that she LOVES to do, her job never gets boring and in turn promotes her business with ease. So who do YOU want to work with?


Step 4: What Do Your Prospective Clients Need?

I am a firm believer that we should always treat others how we want to be treated. When you look from the point of view of your prospective clients, you can identify what they really
need or want. This means that you need to talk to your potential clients and find out their main concerns. You can also ask people who have worked with you already for input on what information they need so you can improve your services provided to them. From here you can build your plans knowing that someone is already looking to buy it because they need it.


Step 5: Decide What You Want to Sell

Selling supplements will appeal to some Nutritionists, where as selling a meal plan program will appeal to others. Jot down your services and see if there is a certain client base that sticks out and decide if people are going to want to buy what you are offering.


A Good Niche has Five Qualities!

You should be at the point now where your ideas and client’s needs/wants begin to merge into a new business idea. Your niche should include five important qualities:

  • It conforms with your long-term vision
  • Someone else wants it
  • It is planned out well
  • It is one-of-a-kind
  • It can evolve

By going through the steps in this article you will come to a point where you ask “Is there a market for what I’m selling?” There is no point in designing a program that doesn’t attract clients. Do your market research ahead of time so you set yourself up for success from the very beginning.

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