Why SEO Matters for your Nutrition Business

Learn about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) basic and why you need to master them if you want your nutrition business to grow over time!

SEO in a nutshell: Google (and other search engines like bing and yahoo) want to provide the best user experience possible for the people searching with them. To do this, they use hundreds of parameters to determine how “user-friends” your pages are. The more user-friends they are, the higher you rank. The higher you rank, the more chances you get of being found when someone searches for your services.

One of the big parameters can be summarized as “What is this page about?”. Even though your website as a whole is important, search engines rank individual pages. The better each of your pages is optimized to enhance the user’s experience, the better your rank. Hence the term “Search Engine Optimization”.

If you use WordPress, Wix or other website builders, you should have access to some form of help to optimize your pages. For example, in WordPress you can use a free plugin called Yoast SEO. This plugin will ask you to pick a keyword for each page and will give you tasks to complete in order to optimize these pages’ respective keywords.

The focus keyword answers the search engines’ question “What is this page about?” That’s why you need to display that keyword in the title, in the meta description, in an image alt text, in a H2 (sub-header), in the first paragraph of your text, etc…

A keyword can be short (one word) or long (multiple words, called “long-tail keyword”). Usually, the shorter the keyword, the more popular it is, the more competition you will have, and the harder it will be for you to rank that page high in the searches. Long-tail keywords get less searches each month, but they are usually easier to rank for.

So now, you have to figure out what keywords to use! And that’s the phase that most people skip. This phase needs to happen BEFORE you write your content. That way you can tailor your article or web pages to that focus keyword and make it rank better.

There are great paid options to find keywords but there are plenty of free ways to determine your keywords. Watch this short video to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpXzqN-oQZ4

Once you’ve found what keyword you want to focus on, build your content around it and optimize it using one of the support strategies available (Yoast SEO, etc..).

Other things that matter quite a bit are LINKS. Linking between your website pages is a simple one to get done right. Another one that is VERY important is Backlinks. These are the links that take people from other websites to your site. That’s why guest blogging is such a powerful (and free) SEO tool. And the bigger/more respected the host website is (i.e. CSNN or IHN’s websites), the more “value” that backlink has in the search engine’s eye.

Other factors include website structure, loading speed, how your code is organized, and more (the better the search engine can “READ” and “UNDERSTAND” your website, the better off you will be).

It seems like I went deep down that rabbit hole, but I’m honestly just scraped the surface here. The important thing to remember is that even though you might not think it’s “Fun” to spend 15 minutes per article on SEO, it’s going to give you the best long-term returns because people will be more likely to find your business when searching for it. That’s free traffic. Can’t say no to that!

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