How to promote your featured article for maximum exposure

Writing and publishing a featured article is only the first step. Use this checklist to spread the word about your work and get more traffic for free.

Writing Guest Articles is a great way to establish yourself as an expert and leader in your industry. It creates positive relationships with other professionals and gives you a chance to talk to an audience that’s already attentive to the kind of content you create. If done right, it’s also solid strategy to improve your website’s rankings on Google searches. Below, you’ll find a list of the best practices when it comes to sharing that featured article to get as many eyes on it as possible.

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#1 Write a teaser blog for your website. Use the next resource to write a teaser post that will encourage your community to read the blog your wrote on its original page.

#2 Share the teaser blog in your Newsletter. By having people go to your website first and clicking through to the original post, you are strengthening the virtual relationship between the two domains, which positively impacts the algorithms that Google uses to rank websites in searches.

#3 Share on your Facebook Page. Write a few lines about the article and link to it from your Facebook Business Page. Tag anyone who was involved in the project!

#4 Share on your timeline. Once you wrote a post on your business page, share this post on your personal Facebook timeline. This way, both your page and the article get in the spotlight.

#5 Share in RELEVANT Facebook groups. If done right, this is a great way to bring a lot of attention to your work. Spend some time looking for the right groups to post in and always follow the posting guidelines of each group to avoid getting flagged or banned.

#6 Share on Twitter. Including a picture in your tweet will help you get more attention on it. Tweet multiple times on the day the article is posted to raise awareness about it.

#7 Share on Instagram. Make sure you include the link to the article in your bio and use your handle (e.g. @holisticnhub) in the caption of the promo post so people can easily click to your bio. You can also talk about your featured article in your Instagram Stories.

#8 Share on StumbleUpon. This will put your work in front of people who are asking to see more content like yours. It’s a great way to raise awareness about your articles with the public.

#9 Share on Pinterest. If your article includes an infographic or some visual information, posting it through your Pinterest account can drive a lot of traffic to it.

#10 Use a social media managing app to schedule future shares of your article. If you do this with every piece of content you create, you will soon have months of social media content to put out without even having to think about it. This can be done for free with something like Buffer or Hootsuite.

#11 Send your article to content curators. Find people who put together a “best nutrition articles of the week” post on their blog and submit them your work.

#12 Ask your friends, family and close collaborators to share your work following the strategies listed above. You can even share this checklist with them so they know exactly what to do!

Just because you wrote something good doesn’t mean that people are going to find it and read it. So make sure you do everything you can to get your work and your name out there!


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