Holistic Nutrition Practitioner Mistakes You Should Avoid

Since starting the Holistic Nutrition Hub, I’ve had the chance to connect and interact with many of our platform users, as well as other Nutrition Professionals about many topics related to nutritional consulting, nutrition business building and client attraction + engagement.

What I’ve noticed in these conversations is a pattern of the same issues emerging. So, I decided to put together an article to help out as many practitioners as possible avoid those common mistakes in their nutrition businesses.

(Ahem, ones that I’ve made myself when I was building my own nutrition consulting practice!)

Here are 6 things Nutrition Pros need to stop doing…RIGHT NOW!

Having listened to countless other Nutrition Professionals, as well as in reflecting back on my own business journey, I can emphatically vouch for the need to STOP DOING the following 6 things…

1 | STOP overloading your clients with information

Anyone can stuff their brain full of information from the trusty ‘ol interwebs.

So what can you offer your clients in place of just ‘information’ – that they’ve probably Googled themselves already?

First, YOU are the expert and you will have done your due diligence to gather the most current and relevant information and resources for your client.

But, instead of just offering up all the info you’ve acquired, give them one or two customized ACTION steps to follow.

Also, make sure the steps are realistic and measurable so that the progress being made can also be tracked – this is key!

Give your clients one or two customized ACTION STEPS to follow and make sure the steps are realistic + measurable so that their progress can also be tracked. This is key! #takeaction Share on X

The additional information you provide your clients should be complementary to these steps and provide them with guidance so they can be successful in completing their action steps.

2 | STOP spending all your money on expensive “start-up systems”

The only things you need to start a profitable consulting business are a computer, an email address, a liability insurance policy, and a business license (depending on where you live and where your business is located).

While you have the time when starting your business, do the “dirty work” yourself to get new clients, and focus on providing them with top-notch service.

Under-promise, over-deliver. Always.

When you start getting busier, scale your business by leveraging technology and other tools – like using The Holistic Nutrition Hub!

We provide holistic nutrition professionals and other nutrition business owners with a comprehensive online consulting platform that has countless features, including:

  • client intake forms
  • body systems & nutrient deficiency assessments
  • client consulting tools

All to help you get started and grow your holistic nutrition practice! But, we want to make sure that the platform will work for you and your business before you commit, so that’s why we always offer a 15-day risk-free trial.

Are you lovin’ us yet?!

For more on the tools you actually need to get your nutrition business started (without going broke!), check out the recent HNH podcast episode: “How to Enroll Nutrition Clients in 7 Easy Steps with Sherry Rothwell” 

3 | STOP seeing other health & nutrition professionals as competition

A rising tide raises all boats. Therefore, elevate yourself by elevating others.

Find other practitioners that have different niches from you, and refer clients to them that might need specific services that you either do not offer or are out of your scope of practice.

The more you do this, the more your professional network will grow. The bigger your network, the bigger your net worth.

Find other health practitioners that have different niches from you, and refer clients to them that might need specific services that you either do not offer or that are out of your scope of practice. #alliedhealthnetwork… Share on X

4 | STOP thinking that the internet replaces in-person interactions

Meet with your clients in person when you can.

Go to networking events to meet potential clients.

Put yourself and your business out there in front of others so they get to know you and your business.

The idea is that if you can make a positive impact on someone while standing in front of them, they won’t forget you! (It’s easier to be out of sight, out of mind online)

The internet can facilitate the first contact with someone, and facilitate the follow-up process, but so long as we live on flesh and bone bodies, we will always prefer personal interactions to digital ones – it’s just human nature!

The internet can facilitate initial contact as well as the follow-up process, but it’s human nature to prefer personal interactions, rather than digital ones. #personaloverdigital #humaninteraction Share on X

5 | STOP placing the burden of your clients’ results solely on your shoulders

Ultimately, your clients have to do the work – you are just their guide (and sometimes accountability coach) to help them along their health optimization journey, and to provide them with the right tools so they can accomplish their goals.

If your clients are not getting the results they expect or desire, work with them to determine the reasons why.

Are they following the plan that you put together for them? If not, why not – what are their barriers to their own success?

(READ: their barriers, not your barriers to their success!)

6 | STOP trying to be your client’s everything

You are their Nutritional Consultant…not their personal trainer, their life coach, their therapist, their friend, their sounding board, etc… This will lead to burnout in a heartbeat! (but, we’ve all been there, trying to wear ALL THE HATS.)

Also, surround yourself with a network of health professionals that can provide accountability and support, like fitness trainers, therapists, and naturopaths – both for yourself and to recommend to your clients.

As a nutrition professional and health practitioner, it’s a good idea to have an “allied health network” to work with, and confidently refer clients to.

Your network could also serve as a resource of added value that you offer to your clients. Just be sure to just focus on the services that you agreed to provide them.

Remember your allied health network of other health & wellness professionals that you can refer your clients to for the services you don’t offer. Besides, everyone needs a health optimization team behind them!

Seize the opportunity – this is the perfect time for you to start building your network of experts so you can focus your time and energy on what YOU do best!

When you’re ready to invest in your business, start with a robust platform that will not only enhance your clients’ consultation experience, but that will also save you – the practitioner, valuable time (and probably a couple of bucks too!)

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Cultivating & Inspiring positive change globally is my driving force! As a seasoned mentor and coach, I specialize in guiding individuals and aspiring practitioners in Nutrition, Holistic Culinary Skills, Permaculture, and Business. Since launching my coaching journey in 2013, I've co-founded the Holistic Nutrition Hub & the Health Coach Collaborative, propelling the mission for a healthier world.

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